Tooth loss can have a significant negative impact on both your oral health and your appearance. That is why, at Saddler Family Dentistry, we recommend dental implant restorations to prevent problems associated with missing teeth and restore your appearance and your confidence.

Dental implants are the perfect solution for restoring the feel, appearance, and function of natural teeth. They help strengthen the jawbone structure, improve your ability to eat and speak, and give you the confidence to smile.

To be suitable for a dental implant procedure, you must have sufficient jawbone density and good dental and overall health.

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Implant Services at Saddler Family Dentistry

  • Sinus Lift Augmentation

If your jawbone density cannot naturally support a dental implant (typically in the upper jaw), Dr. Saddler can increase the bone volume by performing a sinus lift procedure.

Sinus lift augmentation surgery makes space for new bone tissue to develop by moving the sinus membrane upward or lifting it and then adding bone graft material to increase the bone density.

  • Autogenous Bone Grafting

Autogenous bone grafting refers to grafts made using bones taken from your own body. The piece of bone is usually taken from the chin, jaw, hip, lower leg bone, or skull. This procedure is most recommended for bone grafting as it has higher chances of success and a shorter healing period.

  • Implant Site Development

A missing tooth that has not been replaced soon after tooth loss or severe infection can also affect the structure of the jawbone or soft tissues surrounding the missing tooth. In such cases, Dr. Saddler can use multiple procedures to fix any cosmetic issues and create the proper conditions for a successful and natural-looking dental implant.

  • Computer-Enhanced Treatment Planning

When planning and designing dental implant restorations, Dr. Saddler uses the most advanced computer technologies available to ensure greater precision and superior quality of care.

Using computer-enhanced dental treatment planning tools, your dental implant procedure will be streamlined and provide the perfect results.

  • Implant Maintenance

Once your dental implant procedure is completed, it is important to keep the area around the implant clean and disease-free. Plaque and tartar can build up around the implant restoration, just like they do around natural teeth.

After a dental implant, Dr. Saddler recommends regular professional teeth cleanings to maintain your restoration and your dental health.

To learn more about the dental implant services we offer at Saddler Family Dentistry in Berkeley, California, visit Dentist in Berkeley, CA office at 1504 Alcatraz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703 or call (510) 653-6424.